Friday, December 12, 2008

Bailing Out the Big Three?

First of all, how much in debt are we already? Somewhere in the ballpark of $10.6 trillion.... You know that that averages over $34,000 per person.... I can't even imagine that much money. Our government just spends and spends. How are we going to pay this off? Can the US as a whole go bankrupt? Can we keep affording to bail everyone out? Or better yet, should we?

Keeping this in mind I honestly have no problems with bail outs, but only if they are thought through. We are in a recession. So, what do people do: they stop spending. Which makes it worse. Which means no one is buying new cars. Especially expensive gas guzzlers. Now we have three big car manufacturers (GM, Ford, and Chrysler) asking for about $34 billion in loans to get the to...wait for it...2010. That's it?!?! So, basically if the market stays the same all that money will be wasted come 2010.

Instead of bailing out all these CEO's and big businesses how about we do something more unorthodox? For instance, why don't we give each family earning under half a million a year $50,000? You can change around the numbers if you want, but keep the principal the same. Give the people who are suffering the money. What does this do? It adds zeros to people's bank accounts which in turn gives them more money to spend. "Spend on what?" you might ask? How about a new car?

The US has the biggest difference in wealth distribution. I am sick and tired of seeing a very small percentage with all the wealth living a lap of luxury while there are so many people without food or shelter. Stop bailing everybody out. Give it to the people who need it most.